Zero Hour Records Australia
The story behind the label and the records

Zero Hour Records Australia

Welcome to Zero Hour Records. I’m in the process of gathering info, ripping vinyl and restoring some tapes that will feature on this blog. The reason I decided to do this blog is because I was responsible for releasing some great music from around the world on a small independent record label. I got great reviews in worldwide magazines including Bucketful Of Brains, Noise For Heroes, Shakin’ Street to name a few. Some of the tracks that will feature here are long out of print and deserve to bought back to life. I’m considering releasing a best of compilation CD and releasing new bands in the future but that’s another story. There’s a lot of stories going around why I split the label and the real story is that I got out and vanished because the label almost sent me broke and I moved onto other things of interest. I gave it a good go though and I’m vey proud of what I achieved and released.

I have been out of the music scene for some years now and only now I feel like returning. I did a lot of good things for people and some people took it upon themselves to slander mine and the Zero Hour label’s name. Some people say I owe them a lot of money for royalties because they believe I made a fortune from their recordings, well I’m here to tell you that I could not possibly make any money on 500 pressings. At most, I probably owe most bands about $70 each for each release sold as most only sold very little numbers. My distributor rang me one day and told me that they were minimizing the warehouse and ask me if I wanted to buy back what was left of my stock, I said no and they promptly destroyed everything on my label. Foolish now of course but at that time I could not afford to buy it back so to my sadness it all got crushed. So if you were on Zero Hour and you think I owe you money then let me know as I still have all the sales reports from the distribution company from more than 15 years ago and I can work something out. Remember that I helped some of you launch what career you had at a time when no one gave a shit about your precious recordings. Zero Hour pricked up it’s ear and gave you a go and also some of you split your bands up shortly after I released your recodings and I never complained once about it ~ EVER.

Anyway, that was then and this is now, so come back often and enjoy all the Zero Hour back catalogue that I will post here in chronological order of release and the reason behind each of them.


It’s just a matter of time ~ until the ZERO HOUR


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